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Children have been off school for one day and I am already confused. Have spent all day convinced it's Saturday and I have just realised that I have confirmed my daughter's appointment at the...
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Does anyone know what a parent carer is? I received some gumpf through the post today, which I assume I received because I am investigating getting a statement for my youngest child (who is 3 1/4). It...
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Just looked at the weather for Lanzarote and it's forecast rain for the next seven days - rain, in July, when the average rainfall in July for Lanzarote is 0mm!!!!!
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Police knocking on the door again about the blinking parking - why can't the people who live around you just knock the door if they have got an issue? Aaarrgghh - waste of everyone's time because they...
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Thanks to those who tried to help me find a holiday earlier this week. Husband booked one today and I've got four days to get sorted (I thought I would only get one days notice so this is a bonus).
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My father has managed to get campylobacter for the second time in just over a year. The first time he got it was shortly after my mother died and he was obviously very low and susceptible (sp) and he...
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Last summ the cash machine at the local shop swizzed me of £20 and I was unable to get it back from the machine operators. Since then I haven't used it as I don't trust it. Used it today though...
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My son is in Year 6 and is going to Drayton Manor tomorrow but he (and all of his classmates) think that they are going to some stately home with a world-class collection of teaspoons and a postcard...
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Just managed to get the 'you are subscribed to this thread' message and 'thread could not retrieved (or whatever it says)' message at the same time - how's that for timing?
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Went out for lunch today (cooker still dead and no replacement bought yet). Sitting at the table nearest to us were (what looked like) gran and grandad, mum and dad and two boys (about 6 and 13 years...
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Got enough spare(ish) cash to go holiday, husband has a week or so lull at work and he has got an appointment on Tuesday to get child #3's passport - but we have scoured the net and can't find...
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Does anyone know the answer to the following please? * for your front garden to be classed as 'off-road parking', do you have to have a lowered kerb? * in residential areas with no signs up about...
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I keep waking up during the night and finding it difficult to get back to sleep. Nothing in my life has changed and I have no worries (if anything, things seem t o be getting better for us). Anyone...
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My cooker died this afternoon (half way through cooking a chicken) but on the plus side I hadn't wasted any time cleaning it (I had bought the stuff, honest, but just couldn't face it) and we had to...
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If I post a less than flattering review on trip advisor can I be done for liable? I'm not proposing to write anything less than my view, including that the staff are rude and unprofessional. Thought I...
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How can I find someone's email address - it is a 'well' known person? Thanks.
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Is there any way of using a main email address and having replies to any other email address forwarded to it (for example - if my main email address is [email protected] and I send an e mail from...
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How long does it ake for a large, frozen chicken to defrost (2.25kg) and should it be in the fridge or left out? Thanks
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What have I seen the policeman on tonight's Corrie in? Think he had an accent and he was a bit thinner. Thanks.
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I can hear a cat crying in next door's garden (been going on since I got back from the school run) and it is obviously stuck somewhere, I'm thinking it's been shut in the shed by accident. The...

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