as well as her corgies our quiniene lies naked in bed and pulls the douve up to her neck and the says to hubbie. Oh look phileepeeey I am a stamp. And the corgies all go rolf rolf rolf.
Look out of the window for me and tell me if it is still raining as I have just had to do all the washing up as the dishwasher has gone to her mums tonight and me and bouncer are bored. I need to take...
I like marmalade specially if it is strawberry flavour marmalade. What flavour do you like. And I like cazzzy cause she is a zombie according to the queen on here. I dont like trolls though
Wakey wakey.. Ha ha bensmum have beaten you this time Hope it is nice and frosty when you read this and feed the cats now can I ad a little lol here just to let you know that I iz only being an arse
But the last question on here was not posted by me As I think that most of you know that I would not be offensive to most of you on here (only the prats that deserve it) I think that you all must know...
Not ever going to leave this site. Are you? There are to many nutty characters on here for me to ever leave as I have got used to all of you even the trolls and to be honest I could not ever imagine...