Is it possible to add cash to your itunes account straight from your bank account? It seems like it should be as I've registered one with it but I don't know where to look.
I'm leaving my job today and wanted to say cheerio to everyone before I go. Not going very far as I've got a PC at home but I'll miss the 9-5 banter. Hope you all remember to do some work as well as...
Hi there, my dad has given me his old phone including the cable for connecting it to my PC however I don't have the software cd to tell my PC what it is. Does anybody know of a site where I'd be able...
Do you think everyone's off doing last minute Christmas shopping? I'm smuggly sitting next to a rucksack containing all my xmas shopping which I acquired from 3 different places! Lush, Amazon and...
What's the best kind of massage oil to use on somebody with a trapped nerve? Are there any that are particularly good at relaxing the muscles, easing pain etc?
What do you think of getting my mum and step mum a toiletry pack from the Lush soap shop? Is that sending out the wrong signals or is it a nice thing to get because they are nice soaps? What about...
A Glasgow man - steaming and skint - is walking down Argyle Street when he spots a guy tinkering with the engine of his car. "What's up, Jimmy?" he asks. "Piston broke," he replies. "Aye, same as...
What's the difference between The Rolling Stones and an Aberdeen sheep farmer? The Rolling Stones say: "Hey you, get off of my cloud." And an Aberdeen sheep farmer says: "Hey McLeod, get off of ma...
A Scotsman in London is having trouble phoning his sister from a telephone box so he calls the operator who asks in a plummy voice: "Is there money in the box?" "Naw, it's just me," he replies.
A teenage girl phones her dad at midnight and says: "Can you come and get me? I've missed the last bus and it's pouring with rain." "Okay," says her dad. "Where are you ringing from?" And the girl...
Bit weird this. I usually play footy on a Friday evening but this week I've arranged to go on a residential course to learn about cob building. Ordinarily this would be great but this week one of the...