The final installment of the Christmas blockbuster "Life in the Village" (also known as The Answerbank Radio Show, also known as the mad ramblings of an insane woman with an unhealthy interest in...
What a twit ! If he ever gets his car back, I hope we can assume he won't park in a disable bay again....
Put this on media earlier, in case you missed it!
BBC1 Tonight 10.35. Tuesday 10.35. Wednesday 10.55. Thursday 10.05.
You have been warned!
And New Year's Day 9.35....
...again....sorry Jude....☺ I ordered a poppy for my daughter for Christmas.....then regretted not ordering one for myself... The poppy won't arrive til January so I downloaded the gift certificate...
5a Enlarged vessesls head for Venice when carrying grain 7
7d Iran cut out sharp personal item in broadcast warm up(7-6)
Any help would be gratefully received
This isn't to replace the GMEB thread, as we all know is hosted every morning by WBM; or Janbee (and others but she usually picks up the slack) when he overlays after a night out on the tiles! So how...
has finally brought her young man home to meet me..... They have been here for about four hours......and nothing has happened to him yet! I did put away my power tools and sharp knives.....ordered a...
It seems that today is known as mad Friday (the Friday before Christmas) because a lot of people finish work today for the Christmas holiday and go out drinking according to the media. Which people...
I have just had the misfortune of being presented with *that* after a meal. I thought it was the finest ! It smelt and tasted like TCP (I haven't tasted TCP but I had to exaggerate ;) ) If this is the...
No, no, no, no, no! It's a total recipe for disaster. We've been through this before and it would IMHO be detrimental. This(and similar incidents) has been...
Friday! The weekend is just a day away. All is ready for dinner guests, apart from the cooking. Lots of wind and rain yesterday. All calm this morning, at the moment anyway! I shall have to be away...
My friend is a carer and dosent get any extra for the above or any Xmas holidays or New Year, Easter etc. Her Care Company say, that because the Social Department don't pay them extra, they cant pay...