Cryptic,5a,indifference in a way,yes,??a?h?,5d,controller to transmit radio programme,????n?s?r?t?r,9a,before fair increase to the more affluent,u???r?e?,15a,surface decoration,?n?a?
12a,accordingly,country is East African,?o?a?i 14a,semicircle takes in cross old riddler,s?h??? 15d,goads with sharp objects,??e???? 17d,pull over by a lake in Italy,g?r?? 19d,clergyman has no head...
1a,true I limp back up part of my surroundings,???i?? 2d,conclude negative is hell,??f???? 4d,eminent sultan becomes pragmatic,??????????t?? 5d,romans friend goes to one American...
13d,lateral or oblique,?i?????s 14a,peculiarity of behaviour,?u?r? 17d,demand or declare emphatically,?????t 20a,animal with a long sticky tongue,?????t?r 22a,enforcing strict obedience to the...
2d,decay,?l?g?t 36d,equivalence and regularity,s???e?r? 39d,fish with a barbed tail,s??????? 41d,scrap,??????? 44a,large four legged tropical reptile,7,6,??n?t?r,?????? 46d,of elementary...
11a,publications launch time,7,4,???????,???? 13a,popular flowering house plant,??????? 14a,police informer,5,6,????l,?i?e?? 18d,by each unit of population,3,6,per,?e???? 26a,appropriate allocation in...
7a,dispensation from a penalty,?????r,corner?maybe
9d,gauzy material,??i?e
19a,by all accounts,e?i???t?y
32d,console buttons,?e?s...
1a,coolness,calm,?o?c?a?a??? 6d,marked in squares of different colours,??e???r?? 12a,victim of deception,???e 13d,appealing to high income consumers,?p???k?t 17d,taste or smell,???o?r...
5a,protective clothing or a rum cocktail,?????? 5d,extreme neatness as made at a patisserie,5-3,5,????e,???,??d?? 6d,mothers wise to get treatment,??????? 7d,pronounce complete,????? 9a,facing...
5d,meaningless repetition,??t? 6d,prosecuted,??r?????e 8d,sublime happiness,?l??? 13d,church dignitaries,???d???s 21d,culmination,perfection,???e 22a,time when you feel extremely anxious and must act...