1a,rather than,7,2,??????d,??
1d,cause to begin,??????????
41d,break a regulation,???t???e??
38d,survey of the past,???r?????t
11a,send suddenly into,??e?i?i???? 14a,involving two way communication,??????????? 19a,early form of our language,3,7,???,????w?? 25d,1500m competitor,8,6,????????,??n??? 26a,designed not to...
7d,put your name forward,?????
9a,evasive behaviour,??e?a?i?a?i?n
10a,person honoured by distinction,??u?e?t?
13d,strays from accepted standards,???i?t?s
15a,variety of jazz music,???o?...
4d,dames fishnets brought out inelegance,3-10,h??,?i?t?d????
9a,girl in untidy state displays parsimony,????n?s?
14a,take in sailors sphere,??s?r?
17d,good one of the family is emaciated,g????...
3d,half of them encountered ant,e???t 5a,roughly score about 100 in game,s???e? 8a,an odd plant,?r?? 6d,most coarse with or without clever opener,????e?t 9a,I give up little unopened holder for...
1a,french city name is changed,?m???? 4d,sandpit spoilt by Europeans attention to detail,4,3,6,????,and,???i?? 5d,carefully retains any pet animal,5,8,?????,?n???t?? 18a,begin to attack what’s under...