Can steam carry an electrical current sufficient to do harm? In our bathroom the glass 'globe' part of the ceiling light has broken, and I am in the process of locating another. In the interim however...
i need this for a science essay, but i am really stuck Which groups of peopl are most at risk of hypothermia? I'm thick, this is only for clever people...HELP!!please, please, help
Why does the male species of human shiver when they finish urinating? What is it called (the proper medical term) ? Are we the only species to develop this or do any other primate/mammal on earth...
My 15 year old brother is very interested in computers, all aspects of. He looks forward to doing a computing a level when he leaves school. I am not convinced this is the best way. ...
It would be back in the late 70s/ early 80s. It was about a window in a laboratory which could look into the future. When they arrived in the future there was a desolate landscape where mutants roamed...
One of the regular contrubutors recently posted in this category about the deterioration of this site and said that he would no longer be visiting - there were several responses, perfectly valid ones...
we have got an secondhand cd which my son loves but it is scratched is there anything anyone can suggest to cure this problem my husband usually uses metal polish but its not working this time.
I've heard that cars/trucks are more affected by side winds the faster they are travelling. Can anybody explain (in non-technical language) why the spped is a factor. Many thanks
Did anyone see the moon this morning [around 06:15 - 07:00] in Sussex that is? Sure I didn't imagine it, but it was a pale yellow colour, very low on the horizon and had a red ring which was...
Why is it that sometimes I can`t move around a web page because the scroll bars have disappeared? Nothing click and drag, copy and paste....nothing.......until I restart the computer...