So to cut a long story short I became quite poorly on Monday with an absolutely racing heartbeat which got worse and worse. I hoped it would ease but after several hours it was clear it wasn’t going...
Was I imagining it or did Dorian take Tracy’s phone to try and get a signal, get hit by lightning then phone blew up. Then 5 mins later Tracey was holding the same phone in perfect condition . Am I...
This morning I went to hoover the car, got my feet tangled in lead whilst going down step and fell with hoover onto my gravel driveway. In front of bemused passers by. Cue sore knees and hands, and...
Won’t say unless someone does lol incase I spoil it but I didn’t expect a certain person to be in the final.. just find they seem to be trying too hard to be someone they aren’t. Oh well........
I’m staying in Norfolk for 2 days to visit family/drop Xmas presents off. I saw daughter yesterday and she is at the absolute end of her tether with her 3 yr old girl. She is very bright, very tall...
Young Smow and GF were driving this eve through a road in woods on way home in the dark when a huge adult deer literally leapt out of trees straight onto the road. She slammed on brakes but didn’t...
We’ve used the same plumber for about three years and he’s always done a good job. But the last job I thought he’d overcharged a tad. So I’ve just txt him to quote for replacing an existing...
Absolutely stuck this year on two of my sons who’s situation is very different to last year. Eldest son has split up with gf after 10 years ( been together since school) and is now staying in mates...
I’ve gone to order something earlier and it declined my card - kept saying error. So I used joint account card. I’ve now gone to pay a bill and it’s again declined my card. There’s definitely...
This is really random, but when we were in New York in the hotel room getting ready etc we would put the TV on. And this ad kept coming on for a power tool that Mr Smow fell in love with. I cannot for...
Wow, what a week in New York! I’ve flown in a helicopter around the Statue of Liberty, been in a boat down the Hudson River, hopped on and off buses downtown and uptown, and ridden on the subway....
I think I posted a few months ago saying I had bought a pair of glasses from Specsavers with a lovely (but expensive)designer frame. The right arm developed a problem and stuck out too far so I took...
The new series starts tomorrow night. I’ve never ever watched any of it, but after seeing a preview earlier I really want to start watching this. Will I have to watch the first 3 series to make any...
Anybody ever managed to get a hotel room upgrade and how did you manage it?? Am in mischevious mood and have found email address of the Manager at the hotel in New Hork that we are staying at. What...
I take it for back pain. Not all the time but when needed. Didn’t even cross my mind but Mr Smow just said he is 99% sure I can’t take it into the U.S next week. I’ve Googled and am getting very...
Mr Smow left a 4 months contract placement today. He didn’t expect anything but last second they called him in for a presentation. He came home with what they had got him and I literally burst out...
I was online filling in the applications when my phone rang with work. I then went to continue the application and it had timed out and logged off! At same time I get an email with a group ID number...
Decided to make bread. Put dough in oiled bowl to prove and covered with tea towel. Have checked it and it’s not risen one iota. Yeast and everything is all fresh. Any ideas how I can rescue this??...