If you were expecting an email and absolutely dreading it, how long would you put off looking in your inbox? What displacement activities - another cup of coffee, rearranging your sock drawer,... ...
It's National Toast Day, I recommend a toast sandwich to celebrate. One slice of toast between two slices of untoasted bread. How would you eat your toast?
Last week a friend found a lump in her breast. An urgent appointment at the hospital confirmed it to be breast cancer. However, her breast is now red and inflamed. I don't know much about... ...
Why is my life like this years single, still at home and not in a full time job.Since my ex just before covid I've been on dates bit no success first guy is my fault as I didn't make any effort... ...
A neighbour of mine Phyllis McCrackin invited me round to hers earlier for a fish finger sandwich, she then insisted I take a look at a mole on the small of her back believing that because I once... ...
So this person is fairly young, however, they have very little excitement/motivation/interest about most things in life. They don't show any interest in their own birthdays and couldn't care less... ...
Does anyone else find liasing with their gp surgery incredibly difficult. I was advised by my local phrmacist to speak to my go as they couldn't help my issue.
It's Friday night, you can have a lie in tomorrow so why aren't you in your local or a trendy city centre pub or bargain basement Weather spoons? 29 pubs a week are closing in the UK. Why is it... ...
As most of you know who know me, as I've been on AB for years, I've got 4 children - 1 girl and 3 boys. And none live near me. I live in London. My daughter and eldest son live in Cambridgeshire... ...
I always have my hair up for work and thus do not always feel the need to wash it, but then that means I do not feel like showing as I usually only shower to wash hair. What do you people think is... ...
I was shattered, in great pain and demoralised after A&E experience. Elder daughter L. asked a friend and she told me to ring 111. I did, though with no great hopes, on Friday. The lovely lady on... ...
Went to visit a friend yesterday in a hospice and still really upset. She is older than me but still young - she is 59. I only saw her a week ago, and the decline in just 7 days shocked me to my... ...