I have a payment from my credit card, on my bank statement, but I can’t figure out who the payment was to. It says Swsouthampton Walton on Thames GB. Does anyone have any idea which company this is ?...
I would describe as a small round freckle appeared on my face and gradually grew larger. I had it removed, it was benign. Now it has reappeared in the tiny scar, and again slowly growing. Not raised,...
We pay the same amount dual fuel each month,it is now very high, £360 up from £109.. a friend has Exclusive Energy tariff, her British Gas gas bill for the past three months was minuscule. £56. Her...
Doesn’t exist. No phone number, you have to Live Chat…. I was 27th in queue on Live Chat yesterday. Just beware before you buy from them in case you have a problem with delivery....
What happens if I don’t renew my monthly contract (£14.95) … can I still use the phone, will they change the monthly payment? Or do I get a new phone with a new contract? The problem is, I have a very...
Can someone recommend a home hair colour for a blonde highlight look? Something that won’t dry out my hair, it is mousey/going grey at roots, just needs a gentle colour to blend in with ends. Usually...
Just getting over the cough now, thanks to anti biopics. Now OH has it …. Maybe a silly question but could he give it back to me (as I gave it to him in the first place … haha). Happy New Year all, by...
I haven’t had this promised Government refund deducted from my Direct Debit, either for October or November. Haven’t had my December statement yet. How can I get it other than hanging on the phone...
Since my previous post…. Absolutely everyone I speak to has had it, or just getting it, it is spreading like wildfire. Would be interested to know how many ABers out there have had it. Get well soon!...
If they are still on strike over Christmas and New Year festivities, what will happen to all the paralytic drunks who have collapsed outside the pub, in the gutter?...
Had this cough for about a week, no temperature, not Covid, not a cold with it. Have had a lung infection in the past and have been told I have Bronchiecstasis. If I breathe in deeply, though, it...