I don't have much money in my PayPal account and want to buy some items on eBay. How can l transfer money from my bank to PayPal, or can I pay eBay direct with my credit card? Thanks all.
Bit of an odd question but ... where can l buy some socks (not thick winter ones) that don't shrink in the wash and are nice and soft and stretchy to put on ? Probably not 100% cotton. Thanks... ...
I have a warranty with the dealer when l bought my car. They can't fix my problem for a couple of months but said to take to a garage, the garage can find out that l have a warranty by the car... ...
Not only do we have to put up with Lorraine Kelly and that awful grating voice, now we have the same voice on BBC Morning Live. I think she is a doctor but oh what a voice. I have to switch... ...
The sole of my foot gets very itchy, under the arch. Nothing to show though. Then the skin gets very hard. What causes this and what will ease this itch? Feels like little worms under the... ...
Never ceases to amaze me why people climb these mountains on their own in the middle of nowhere, and then get stuck and have to call the rescuers. Why don't they just go for a walk in the park?... ...
Hubby uses turmeric powder in food and it has stained my white enamel sink. (He won't be doing it again...). I have tried soaking with bleach, soda crystals, used Brillo etc. looks awful. Is... ...
These idiot people who go climbing or out to sea and get stuck... and other people risk their lives to save them. They deserve a medal. Not the d...heads.
Never mind warnings about being distressed watching the news. How about being distressed listening to the most stupid questions asked to victims of the Gaza bombings. To a woman who has been... ...
A Place in the Sun. Jasmine Hartman and Danni Menzies make the house seekers look like someone out of Gullivers Travels.. They are so huge! And Danni always wears high heels. It looks... ...