Just been in Tesco's and they along with all the other are promoting cheap food, have big Half Price on many items. Anyway Punnet of Peaches HALF PRICE now ?1.69 A bargain right. NO WAY, there are...
when was the last time you felt like a fool. I was walking down the yard this morning and fell over, for no reason?? my ankle went and as i was roiling round the yard looking like a seasoned pro...
What do you think is the most exciting moment of any record you know? <br /> <br /> Not the whole song, just one moment when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and you feel your...
Name a song and band and one of tthe best lines from that song. Mine would be the band james the song would be laid and the line " But she only comes when she's on top " D T H ????
I have a very bad weed problem. Last year a got someone in to remove 6ft brambles and other flora from the back of my garden but its all come back again. My problem is that I have a fear of worms and...