Not sure which category this should be in, but is there any maximum age for taking grade exams in singing? Do you have to sing pieces set by the exam board?
Hey all. Just bought an mp3 player and am looking for suggestions for the best tunes EVER in the following categories: Dance, Funk-soul-blues, Sleepy (Gorgeous slow songs - no cheese),...
What a great game this is. Well I am off to work so when I return if anybody can be bothered I want to see 1) An offensive weapon 2) A freak 3) Your favourite sports car. I look forward to...
Woh woh woh woh woh, la la la Woh woh woh la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Uptown girlShe's been livingIn her uptown worldI bet she neverHad a back street guyI bet her mamaNever told her whyI'm gonna...
I love all the AB posters, but I've been run off my feet. I cnat eevn tpye for fleeing sad....... (can't I have a life and offend like usual.....dang nap it) (shakes head sadly and realises probably...
My my my it's a beautiful world I like swimming in the sea I like to go out beyond the white breakers Where a man can still be free (or a woman if you are one) I like swimming in the sea. My my my...
Can't sleep, though of you.... Still couldn't sleep Thought of AB without your input...(snores) wakes up... Take care o' yoursel and don't change..... .....Well (being responsible....) ...ach no, I'm...
ABE as a mark of respect to all those who have given their lives in defence of this country, can I ask that all activity on here be suspended for two minutes at 11 o'clock on 11th November? I...