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Just been reading that Fern Brittan is quitting ITV This Morning - apparently she wants to pursue other avenues of her career - 'Dancing on Ice' here she comes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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arsed anymore
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i was wondering when the new f1 season starts in melbourne how long before do they fly in to melbourne
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This is ridiculous. I've just got my lunch, and opened today's Guardian. There's a bit in the Sport section about who might get picked for The Lions this summer. Robert Kitson suggests for Fly Halfs...
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west ham fan
My grandaughter needs a gear box for above car, also clutch (petrol) and gearbox stabilizer, not got lots of money, help
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Does anyone know of a good reputable one in the Derbyshire area ? x
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I know this is an odd thing to ask about but i was reading in a pregnancy magazine that if u start massaging the perineum (area between the vagina and anus) using vegetable oil for about 10mins a day,...
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c'mon give me some much craved attention folks.
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Is it just me, or does anyone else think the 2012 logo depicts a couple of shirt-lifters?
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Is anyone on Twitter? What is all the fuss about? What is it exactly? And is it worth joining?
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There are an infinite number of whole numbers. There are also an infinite number of even numbers. But if the number of even numbers ... ... is only half of the number of whole numbers ... Is the...
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been kicked out of a pub? I never have been, although once, in my extreme youth, tried to be. Me & a friend danced on the tables to a jukebox, acted much more drunk than we were & shouted & knocked...
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I used to think it was "Bent" but now I am not so sure. I just won ?100. I am determined not to give it 'em back. Has anyone else won a bit and then give it 'em back??????????
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If you take your first name as the name of your first pet and your surname the name of the first street/road/ etc you lived on what would you be called. I would be Billy Oban...come on it's just a bit...
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the title says it all.
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who sings the song for the honda advert
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That was quick.
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Has a member of the royal family died. "princess of essex" wtf is that about. There was'nt this much coverage for diana.
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i have a friend who has a boyfriend that she wont shut up about, so I told her I liked this kid in Science Club to say i liked someone. She ran and told him and he admitted that he liked. me. We've...
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How can i change my big forehead? I have a huge forehead for NO reason and i need to change it somehow! I have a side sweep of hair already but how can i change it?

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