Just wondering what sayings wind people up? One that really gets my back up is ''See you later'' or ''Catch you later'' When you know you'll never see that person ever again.......
Just seen some more reporting on the horrific seal clubbing in Canada. Why is a supposedly civilised Nation still allowed to carry on with this barbaric culling?
i am so in love with my fella we have been going out now for over 4 years and have been liveing together since lst july , we have loads in common an we have never arrgued i feel so lucky to have him...
does anybody know of a method of gathering worms using mustard powder or similar?????the worms are needed for fishing just in case you think its weird!!!!!
When did women stop being women? And instead try their hardest to be men ? Has their battle for equality now gone too far? Have they forgotten what it means to be a woman whilst striving to be equal...
Hey! This is quite embarasing, but i have no idea how to adress this the man! So, i have noticed that my hubby has been 'sorting himself out' in the night/mornings (i have no problem with this)...
Does anybody know of a very beautiful smelling shampoo - something that when you pass people - they (people) say God that is a lovely smell from her hair.