I started antibiotics on Tuesday, for a kidney infection. At the time the Dr asked if I was pregnant, and I said no, but I hadn't thought that it's some time around now that I'm due to ovulate, and we...
Hello, How can I find out if a hairdressers (est since 1957) has been in the local newspaper? That is to say in worcester of the uk. I dont want to ask them directly.....Is worcester Library any good...
We are now in the zodiac of Taurus the bull. Do you think people born under that birthsign live up to their description of being stubborn and pig-headed? Also what about the other star signs.
Are any other people like me and hate the way we in the UK have adopted the american way of speaking. I mean I had never heard the phrase I "snuck" up on someone or that "snuck" in" Whatever happened...
if you could get any girl or man in the world who would it be. mine would be jennifer lopez god that women is soooooooooosooooooooooosoooooooooooo sexy sexy attractive,she does it for me anyway lol...