My husband and I recently went for a meal in a little village which is notorious for being difficult to park in. There is barely any parking and its dog eat dog to get any. We were very lucky to...
Over the years and particularly over the past few days i have noticed threads being "removed" due, clearly because of an "insensitive" post. Human reactions vary to "sensitive" issues in many ways...
Daughter is watching grease on tv, no question, but has anyone got a stanley knife for me to use on either her or me, complete dribble, bad singing bad acting, what films do you lothe?
why does he want people to have to have faith in him? why does he want to test them? he is clearly a megalomaniac to demand such utter devotion and smite people and send them to hell for eternity any...
felt very confident and had over an hour with 3 on the interview team, but I'm hoping I've got it, fingers crossed, I tried to look the part!
I have bought my electric bike. The chap came today for me to have a trial around the neighbourhood and I loved it. I can pedal as much as I want and then bring in the power for hills and if I fancy a... Apologies for putting this into CB and not News, but although it may be news to some it isn't to me....
I have been growing my hair for some time now and three weeks ago, It was getting on my nerves a bit so I thought I'd pop into the local hairdressers for a trim. The hairdresser suggested that I had...
Does anyone know why you sometimes get really loud rumbling noises from your stomach. Sometimes its so loud you can hear across the other side of the room! Thanks
But many have prayed in vain for health, happiness, peace, and prosperity. In fact, some feel that God does not really listen to prayers. Yet, the Bible calls him the “Hearer of prayer.”—Psalm...