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I can hum it, I can't name it!
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Where can I buy glass cullet, for incorporating in a concrete drive? Or is there a supplier of premixed concrete that will supply it with glass in it? I have searched all morning & come up with...
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I found a pile of coke in the garden which must have been there for over 30 years. Never one to turn my nose up at free fuel, I put a couple of pieces on my woodstove, which generaly seems quite happy...
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I want to buy a handbook for a 2004 Honda Jazz, but don't know if it's the 3821 or 3822. Anyone know which one is the right one? Thanks....
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Have just taken a tray of delicious looking muffins out of the oven, then realised I have made them without any sugar at all! Can anyone think of a reworked recipe, using cake crumbs, that I can make?...
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I have just bought a 2nd hand B&Q dehumidifer. I plugged it in in the porch to see if it works, but I don't know how long to wait before I see any water appearing. All the displays work, the fan...
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Are they: 1) A sign of true manliness. 2) A sign of laziness 3) Dirty good-for-nothing filthy monstrosities 4) Can be handsome on the right man 5) A sign of woolly liberalism...
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am i mad to want to try my baby in terrie's nappies when he arrives? when i worked as a nursery nurse, i looked after a few babies who wore them and have generally never seen a problem with them -...
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HEELLLLLP!! My 18 month old daughter has started to really throw strops when she cant get what she wants - she becomes heartbroken, her flood gates open - the lot. She is the only child and i try not...
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I have just bought a lovely leg of lamb for SUnday Roast - it was on special offer in Sainsburys. There is a lot of meat there - and I know I am going to have some left over. Can anyone suggest a nice...
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My brother and his wife celebrate their Golden Wedding in August. They have a very nice home, full of 'things' and won't need more ornaments etc. They have a caravan, and use it regularly. A garden of...
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was queen elizabeth a man?
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My spouse of two years has a troubled past. She had lost her virginity to her current ex. She regrets it fully. I had sex with her making her my first. I wish she had been a virgin. I'M old-fashioned...
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when i was a young girl, i recall my dad telling me not to pick all those white bits off the orange before you eat it because thats where most of the goodness is. is this true, or did he just want me...
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Anyone tried making there own and if so where did you get your information and products thanks!!!
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I keep catching the first few bars of a plaintive song, a male singer starts "oooo oooh ooh". Not much to go on I know, but I'd love to hear the rest of it.
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our 3 mnth old was constantly awake at night,even after her feeds. we invested in a dummy which did the trick and gave us some extra sleep at night time. now we have taken the dummy away because we...
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i have been talking to a number of male friends lately, an a number of them have expressed a liking for 12-14 year old girls... they also prefer their girlfriends to be pubicly shaved and also love...
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west ham fan
Hi I am a 62 year old and I get painfull joints due to arthritis in the knees, hips and hands,dose any body have information on good over the counter meds to help alleviate the pain. Thanks in advance
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im off to a party at the end of the week and the theme is 'anything but clothes' so has anyone any ideas, short of going naked or wrapping myself in clingfilm!!?? thanks in advance

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