and there is afunny little song playing - make some room for the child within you don't be afraid to be wild and free - or something - what is gthat song
I just saw a new Sky HD (?) advert, featuring someone (don't know who) being interviewed. It had some piano music in, no singing, that was familiar but I just couldn't get it. It was shown during the...
What is the song called and who is it by for the furniture ad (sorry don't know which store), it has the words "Auto erotic" in it and has robots in it.
Hi I am trying to find the TV guinness ad, that had 3 men drinking at a bar, the bar was busy and a dog (poss jack russell was featured) the guys either side of the middle man, say 'well?' as the...
Have been trying to racking my brains as to what this song is called I think its by Mel Torm'e, this advert was done probaly over a year ago all that I can remeber is asian guy going to a phone booth...
Have been racking my brain all week for the product that went with this ad slogan. Thank you to answerbank user who said it was bran flakes. I can see the advert now. Did they revive it for the advert...