rhetorical question really, I know why. They always play the race card and our plods are terrified of our TROB. Time to stop pussyfooting about and nick these...
that Boris promised was a big bonus of Brexit….. Why aren’t there any...
Now the Queen has Passed on. Former British Colonies want their Jewels back. South Africa want their "Great star of Africa" to be returned which is now the centre piece of the Queens sceptre,and also... If so is it only 'the Left' who are guilty of this or anyone who disagrees with her? And what...
as most of you know i am a moderator, i try and keep up to date with getting rid of Spam, but i can't be on here all day, so keep on reporting it, and hopefully other mods will dispense with it. I...
Over the last few years I have been subject to abuse by people from passing cars. Homophobic verbal abuse. It has stopped for over a year. I suspect the main perpetrator died. However another person... Speaking only for myself I’d say that this is a... Why are TROB so racist? Surely they should recruit the best person for the job in all...
For now, they’re far too busy filling impossible quotas for ethnic minorities and females. ...damn savage will be out in 2½ years? Should be murder, yes TROBers I know the difference between murder and manslaughter but if you...
or ‘putting a different perspective on events’ as some might say. //Bosses...
According to new research by the Post Office, in an effort to keep tighter control of their spending people are turning back to cash which seems a good idea to me. Plastic is all too easy to spend....
'It's my right to have unprotected sex with anyone, anytime so don't judge me when I get some disease because it's all your fault' lisped a precious darling.