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enjoy life as much as possible and not be a miserable git.........and you?
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I think the weather gurus have got it about right. I think it's going to snow today. It's clear at the moment, but this afternoon it'll decend upon us. so take care and have a good and safe day...
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... one step closer to going through b0ll0ck naked! Can we not see that the terrorists are winning if we do this to ourselves?
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I hate mushy peas but last week had some served with fish and chips in a pub in Farnham. They were delicious. Does anybody have a recipe that is slightly out of the ordinary. I think one of the...
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I have an uneven shaped one which has been itching so I am seeing the Doc tomorrow. I've never seen a doctor about a mole before so have no idea how they get rid of them now. Any ideas? Thanks...
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Can't believe me thread has gone through as "joysticks" how many joysticks do you know...PMSL I haven't been at the source...honestly !!!!...
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Why would normally sane people tow a mobile hovel away from their luxury home in order to fill up a chemical kasi in a field? Not to mention introducing motoring misery to the rest of us on the way...
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yeah it was along time ago but i just remembered someone telling me that the first film, the matrix and possibly the other two is all about jesus and christianity, in that neo represents the second...
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All questions are Christmas related. Answer and ask questions of your own. No googling for answers..... ;-) Which pub landlord famously served his wife divorce papers on Christmas day?...
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has anyone got the name of these little brown patties that had a filling came with a tub of sauce and was sold in asda in a pack of 5-6 it began with the letter "E" epinada's or something?...
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We can't stand that awful "Go Compare" trash. I understand the idea that annoying adverts stick in your mind but I tend to find someone else when I need services instead of using the one...
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Can we expect to see this guy mauled and dead soon as we usually hear when the animals insticts kick in?
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Fellow AnswerBankers, we've had a postcard and I'm afraid it's not good news
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How many of you have had bubble and squeak this Christmas. I am cooking it today as Sir Jamie O did on his programme with eggs mmmmmm...
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Usually after a big win they say to the papers that they will be talking to them after the "Security checks" Now apart for the obvious one of checking the serial numer on the ticket etc.......
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there's been a thread about the worst / most useless but what about what you really did always want?
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Well thought id try this.
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it wouldn't be longitudial thinking else lateral would become latitudial, so if there was a longi -way of thinking, it would be called longial thinking.

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