barry1010 I also refer to the Site Rules 11. Any posts asking or discussing why a post or thread was removed or closed, or why a member was banned or suspended, will be removed. ... ...
The sleepover guy I've told you about still messages me now and again even though last year I said there was no point if he didn't want to see me again. When I said about meeting again last year... ...
Seem to be under siege day-to-day. Whatever you do, don't rely on fair play or a level playing field when up against a minority. ...
rubbish tv. stupid questions . all warwick can do is a silly smile and go on about his acting career . amazing to think he has made a lucrative iving out of being a freak , google... ...
I'm out with my friend now for the rugby and was 2 hours late meeting her as I was stuck outside with a dog for 25 mins and made me late getting ready and getting into town I'm with her now but... ...
the other day I kept getting repeated pop about virus protection. in an attempt to get rid I did a nut e sfactory reset thensecondss a system resore. I lost everything !!! My son in law is s... ...
Sir Keir is to add Dozens of new peers to the House of Lords. Starting with a Gong for Sue Gray along with 30 more people for peerages, in a bid to increase the number of Labour members.Good man.... ...
LBC is reporting that hundreds of people who have successfully claimed asylum in the UK are attempting to flee the country because they have lost their right to work and cannot support... ...
Brexiteers are in Panic as EU demands Starmer makes changes to the deal of free movement and fishing. Starmer will have to give EU fishermen access to UK waters.The EU is also demanding Britain... ...
I've been advised its time to take my first advanced 5 string banjo lesson, so all booked for Tuesday afternoon, then a jam session on Wednesday. Looking forward to both. :0))