HELP!! I am stuck on the last one 1d A vessel operating under water for short periods (11) s----r--b-- All i can think of is submarine, but it does not fit, please help, it's driving me crackers, many...
A sheriff, an outlaw, a bible salesman plus 2 assistants,and a whisky salesman plus 2 assistants need to cross a river using a convenient boat. A maximum of 2 people can use the boat at any...
Thanks in advance, am on the last 4! Small ornamental bottles for holding smelling salts V_n_i_r_ _ t_ _ Bloodsucking African dipterous flies Ts_t_ _ _ Perfumes or secnts made from plant or animal...
In the annual Derby 1962 horse race, as the 26 runners approached Tattenham corner, yseven horses fell. The included the Favourite. What was the 10 letter name of the Favourite?