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pictures 93 94 95 142 still can't find any hints?
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Help needed please with last few questions. Firstly 3 connected with Top of the Pops. Which singer appeared with a paint pot and brush on his piano after his wife had left him for a painter and...
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I am finding it hard going this month,especially the picture questions and would like help please with Q32,33&104 Thanks spursfan
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It may be a local quiz but I am having trouble with the following questions Q15 Which Norwegian artist painted "Summer Landscape" which in 1978 became the most valuable object ever sold at auction in...
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23a Is it 'evejar' and 24d I have judge, am I right?
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Now that both the Challenge and Quizmail have arrived I would like help please with my last question in the Great Fun Quiz Q48 In which very famous film did two companions,who hadn't eaten for days,...
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83 He played Felix in the film about a very strange twosome (4-6) Thank you for any answers
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grizzly bear
One left E M - L - N defender 321 league appearances mainly for walsall and Wolves 1993-2005 any help appreciated thanks in advance
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Help please with the following questions Q67 What,musically,do Jimi Hendrix,Edward VIII,Paul McCartney and Bruce Forsyth have in common? Q75 Originally it was Fire,which became Trinity in the 16th...
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Having a mental block morning over the top right corner! 10A Steeplechaser, one taken aback after spring (4-6) ?U?P-?O?K?? I assume this is JUMP-JOCKEY but don't understand the "one taken aback" bit...
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Are you around Val ? Only I have the link to that Christmas thing .. Here you go ..! Enjoy . yeuxNoel.pps
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Am going on long weekend, with deadline day looming, so would really appreciate hints on following. Pictures 44,139,140. Q26-what is the nine-letter common name of the bird which attempted to pull out...
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What were the striped "convict" shirts that John Terry and the other players were wearing whilst sitting in the stands on Saturday? Thanks spursfan
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Barbadian and West Indian cricketer born 1951
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Help required please with these questions Q117 If October is 2,the 1st of May is 3,1905 is 11 and 1917 is 12,then where is 7? Q120 May Jesus Reign More Serenely Before Noon is a made up mnemonic to...
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Help please with the following questions Q111 In the context where 120 is Brazil,128 Canada,160 Germany,165 Greece,223 Nigeria and 250 Russia then who,what or where is 908? Q115 Bravo eight monks an...
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What was the surname of 19th-2oth century British writer,best known for his humorous stories, whose most successful play describes how inmates of Bloomsbury boarding house are intimidated by strange...
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Q25As at the start of this season,if all the Premiership points won by each team since the Premiership began are added together,then which soccer team would be on top of a league table? Q25 If I told...
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Help please on a couple of Dingbats 1) OOdOOoOOmOO 2)windOW! Thanks spursfan
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Help required please Which alcoholic drink used to have the following slogan "One day you're going to be too old for it" Thanks spursfan

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