25 across---CLUE-- it can be hard for old man to eat first, when not on the road playing American football space O M SPACE. would be grateful for an answer Thanks.
Would it be an idea to give users the opportunity to upload thumbnail pictures to sit next to user names? Those that don't want to show their faces don't have to or will just upload one not of...
have you recieved from ukranian/russian women, letters through the post, or emails from them .... generally they dont want to become volountry workers in war torn places, you get thier...
When I type in new quiz in the search box (site ticked) it takes me to lots of links starting new quiz available but my quiz doesn't show up. What have I done wrong? All the quizzes that show seem to...
It really annoys me when sports commentators and people in the media refer to a saved penalty as a missed penalty! ie the goal keeper saves the ball - quite often people say the penalty was missed? it...
who is the man who does the latest tesco ads for the tesco price check? its geting on my nerves I no he dose other ads and I no that all the people who do the tesco ads are all famous voices any one...
Can anyone help me with the last answer that I have to get to finish this quiz. The answer could be a country,city, state or Island. Where Tolkiens man-like monsters come from Many thanks
16 across - stake put up by a poker player prior to a deal? A?T? 32 across - Electrical conductor that diverts power in a circuit? S?U?T Many thanks in advance
Hi, I think I may have a virus, my music folder has been renamed KKKKKKKKKKK rar, I can not change it back to my music. I am using AntiVir which hasnt found anything ! Any help please !
hi any ideas how to unblock facebook at work.. i foudn the one where you use google translteor as a proxy but when you login it opens in a new page so defeats the object as you cannot get past the...
Is there any software I can get which will allow me to view other peoples monitors which are on the same network?
If so, does anyone know what is called, where I can get it and if its expensive?
when i type using my keyboard i get the symbols which you would get if you used the shift button and when the caps lock is on i get lower case> i dont know what i have done to make it do this>...