I have a freesat box that will play Iplayer. but the instruction say connect with a wire. It is a long way from the tv to the router. Is it possible to do it wireless.If so what would i need
I have used the easy cap to transfer a video tape to my computer.this as worked.The tape contains 5 half hour tv programs. I transferred these all at once. I now find the file is to big to go on a CD...
when i put my correct reservation number and email in ryan airs booking page it does not work .but it works in firefox .do not answer use firefox. i would like to know wy it does not work in chome.
is there any way i can get sat nav routes just for cyprus.my tomtom one is not bigger enough to take all europe. and i will never be driving on the continent.
i moved my bird box this year as something as raided it .i put it high on on my shed .i noticed later on that the hole was full of leaves .i have just gone to clean it out ,and find full with large...
i want to buy my wife a digital photo frame for christ'mas .but how can i put photo's off my computer onto memory card.I have a HP photosmart printer with card slots ,if that will help.
as anyone go a phone number for tomtom. i bought a speed camera update from tomtom but forgot to add a discount.i know its a long chance but i can only try.