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Are sentient animals closer to God than Humans as they have innocence and are born without original sin?
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What exactly is a 'Race'? Is it illegal, bad etc to be rude to a Jew? Is that a race or a religion - or both? So it's racist to insult a Jamaican if your White English, what if you're white Jamaican?...
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Where can i get an unbiased comparison in terms of games, graphics, speed etc between the PS2 and XBOX?
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Hey I get to ask a question!! I've searched the AB archive to no avail. Do fish really have a 3 second memory? And how was it tested? My friend's fish have learned to recognise the lifting of the lid...
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i have a tortoiseshell cat who i love loads and wouldn't swap her for the world ,however she is very aggresive, she can be very loving but her favourite hobbies involve bitting , scratching ,...
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We have four speakers and a big box thing that looks like a larger speaker (?) that they all plug in to. Some of the sound thingies on our computer include 'EAX' and 'Audio HQ' - hopefully this means...
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Does anyone know what kind of foods have a lot of iron in them? I am told to eat more, what does iron do for you exactly?
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I am trying to find a particular painting by this artist - I don't know the name, but it's a fairytale/gothic type of castle which juts into the sea - an evening sky with light illuminated around the...
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As to whether or not God existed in the past is open to debate. But is He here now? There is no indication that He is. No messages booming down from the sky, no miracles, no sign whatsoever. Why not?...
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If an iron ball was to pass through a tight coil of wire to produce an electric current, would this cause the ball to slow down at all? What I mean is, if a toaster or something was wired up to the...
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How many different types of macaws are there?
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In what proportions does a plant contain oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, and other significant elements / compounds? I'm wondering what my potted ones are growing from; - on the bottle of 'Plant Food' it...
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Which animal can't walk backwards?
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About a year ago I remember seeing a cheesy American advert / talk show thing. There was a man ('Robert Barefoot'?) who claimed that his 'coral calcium' product would cure several dozen diseases,...
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Why, when I stubbed my toe, did I know it was going to hurt (a lot!) before I felt it? It can't be the distance from the toe to the brain as when I cut my toe instead of the nail I felt it instantly....
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I doubt i wouldve been able to get to 2,27 without any help from people bcoz a lot of the questions have really weird wording or random answers, so if u need any help just post here and ill give u sum...
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Any help on 2.8 would be much appreciated!!
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I'm stuck on 2.4. Help! :)
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When - and why - did people first start applying make up?
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Allen Crisp
I can't keep my eyes open when I sneeze and nor can anyone else I've asked. Why? Someone told me that if you don't close your eyes your eyeballs will fly out under the pressure caused by the sneeze,...

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