Hi, I have an informal meeting with my boss this weekend to discuss promotion etc and I have to plan what we are to do. I am not from Birmingham so haven't a clue...been reading reviews on Guardian...
Hi, I want to become a personal trainer and am aware of the qualifications that I need to obtain. My dilemma is whether to do a) The Gym Instructor Certificate and the Personal Training Certificate...
Hi, I was given my notice at work this week...kind of out of the blue. After 3 months, my probationary period was extended to 6 months, after which period I was made a permanent member of staff. A...
Hello, I am a 27 year old professional with an MSc in Criminology & Criminal Justice. I have recently become interested in joining the police but haven't a clue where to begin.I live in London and...
Hello, I have an MSc as above but don't feel that I am using it as I should. I would love to be working in Criminology...criminal research etc but don't know where to look. It cost me a lot of money...
Hey, I went on a date with an Aussie guy this week...got on extremely well and would love to see him again but he seems so chilled I don't know what to think!! He text to thank me for the night and...
Hi, I started my job in September and whilst I was in a similar role for a year previously, I have a lot more responsibility in this role and the job is a lot more demanding. My 3 month probationary...
Hi, I have a date tomorrow with a Greek guy, 30. I have dated a Brazilian and a Portugese but what about Greek's...any tips!!! Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks Zowie
Split up with my ex a couple of months ago...only together a short while. Was extremely intense, passionate, out of this world romance. Things went slighly down hill when the honeymoon phase was over...
Hi, Just wondering the best tactics...nothing major happened. May just be on a 'break' but not seen him for a week and a half now. Am trying to do the non contact thing but am getting contradictory...
I am gutted! Met a guy last October....we were so close for a couple of months. Nevere been so happy before. He was so intense and we got so close-it was amazing. He went home for Christmas for a...
Hi, Basically, I met a guy last year, when I was looking for casual work to pay off my student debts, who told me he was an amateur photographer. He said he would pay me to take photos. We did a few...
I've just met a really nice Brazilian guy-he seems so genuine and too good to be true? I hear they have a tendency to be a bit possessive-any other interesting traits I should know about? He is...
Hi, I have been out of uni about 3 yrs after doing an ,Sc...which cost the earth and am only now earning a decent wage...but have a fat overdraft, 4 credit cards and a career development loan to pay...
He is going back home to Brazil and he has been an absolute darling to me since we met...I need to get something to show him how much I like him...something with a wow factor...he loves cooking and...
I'm a herbal tea drinker but also suffer from problematic skin so it would be useful to drink herbal teas which are known to help with spots etc Anyone know of any/had any good experiences? Ta
Hi, I've suffered with the odd spot here and there all my life but this has got much better in recent years as my diet has improved and I now do a lot of exercise. However. ever since I met my now...
I am very keen to find out what men think of the 'rules' as to how women should capture the heart of the man she wants (Mr Right as they call him). I met a guy back in February and have kind of...
I am keen to find out what men think of the 'rules' as to how women should capture the heart of the man she wants (Mr Right as they call him). I met a guy back in February and have kind of followed...