I'm progressing slowly and could do with a bit of help! 11 across: Former star ultimately succeeds alto in musical performances (8) C_NC _ _ _ A I feel it should be concerta but don't know why. 4...
1. hunting _________ and fishing 2. moving smoothly 3. extract match essentials from this support 4. insert direction in brace to sing 5. tom in band played a new version 6.lawks ha'mercy,cling on for...
I have completed the grid but the symbol that appears in the middle of the 'problem' seems to be repeated near the bottom, when a different symbol would be much more appropriate. I have already made...
The answers are famous novels. 9.Ageless Art in the attic(3,7,2,6,4) 1.Cheviot Candide mumbo jumbo(3,2,5,4) 2.Fighting ,and not, in Russia.(3,3,5) 3. Can't do it, can't not do it, numerically...
4d 7 letters plant agent on very end -c-t- - - 5d 5&5 letters underclothes Alecremoved having restricted size and scope 19d 6 letters small group as lost in mountains - -u-u- 15d 7 letters...
I'm sure this is going to be a long shot, but I'd love to know the music featured on an episode of '999' sometime in the 1990s. It was an atmospheric piece of music, played during a reconstruction of...
1. The city provided a racetrack for Chariots of Fire where speeding is something to be applauded. 2. It wasn't yeast, but after spending 1 and a half years in space, the microbes in it rock from this...
I am stuck on these questions
50;s decade.....
Was he conceived on a beach? 5,5
Did she spin the discs? 5,3,3
Country artist
Sledge puller 6,6
many thanks...
Hi Any help you could give me would be appreciated - all are places around the world or anagrams and here are just 3 of some I am having trouble with Sounds like a runner 6 Audibly break a part of...
22. A continental quilt, swap last letter
49. part of house in ce, amusement is one
60. find a can in mans name, place your car in garage
103 oart of house & model T, found on coin edge...
Hello it is me again last 3 if anyone can help.
25 WHISKEY that won't bend.
26.You must have those OILS.
27.The best AGE of something new.
Does anyone remember the name of the male ballad singer who recorded The song Lida Rose,probably in the early sixties,had a voice similar to Eddie Fishers...Thank you.