32D (5 letters) Load up with tungsten and get a handling device W?LDO 16D (4 letters) Japanese seafood made from sea vegetables N??I 18D (3 letters) send-up the remnant R?G Thank you in advance for...
28A (10 letters) Serbia's stuck with a black mountain, by all sounds ?O?T?N?G?? 24D (5 letters) Residence of Roman structure ?A??? Any help appreciated
43 a (5 letters) Begin to suffer the consequences of ruin amongst top capitalists I?N?C?R Is it Incur or Incor..and why? 38d (7 letters) Listens over and over again and joins up E?L???S 2d (8 letters)...
Would love to hear from anybody out there aware of recent issues with Whirlpool washing machines - specifically the 'closing off of the water pump' during washes. Thank you.
2D Smite within a ship - crafts required! (6 letters) ?K?L?S Have looked at Skulls (Sculls-Skulls) and Skills (Kills-Skills) etc but cannot arrive at an answer. Any help appreciated
27 across (9 letters) Common duck of Europe and North Ameria, with a dark head and white body in the male ?O?S??D?R 19 a(9 letters) Study of anatomy, physiology and diseases of the nervous system...
25 down British actor who attended Queens University Belfast (5, 6) S????, L?L??W Terence xxxx, British actor (5 letters) ???B? 42 across. Telling porkies after leaving house in remote area (8...
5D (9 letters) So the United Nations leapt to the solution without limits! UN???N?E? 27A (8 letters) No amateur watches the birdie like so, so one suggests P?????E? 23D (6 letters) White horses,...
6D. Clue: Concerning the uprising it looks like we're ging to win something back. 6 letters Had revolt as answer but it no longer fits as P is final letter. R??O?P Any assistance appreciated
5A. Took everything off to the right to appear in stripes (6 letters) B????? 7D. German city (7 letters) ???S??? 26A. Native American tribe (4 letters) ?U?I 13A. The (blank) 100, motorbike race held...
Cannot decide on fina answer to 23 across. Clue: An Asian plant, the seeds of which are are used as aspice. 8 letters ??R?A?O? Three answers (possibly) fit . Tarragon Cardamom Cardamon The first one...
As always I need assistance in finishing it off. 5d (9 letters) Would the North relocate somehow to find such an enduring quality? ?F?E?A?C? 6d. (8 letters) Mothers in the habit of being of high...
4d. 4 letters. Clue: As biddable as unbiddable are they. ?O?S Have looked at NOES, BOSS, BOOS etc but do not understand those answer!! Could it be WOOS?