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About bloody time too, but still far far too late, at least 40 years too late. This evil religion and culture is going to drag Britain into the Third World. But praise to Allah most beneficient, most...
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Still no sign of Pakistan setting up an "Earthquake Fund" for Britain is there, Next time they have one they can go and whistle!
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daffy654 ire/7266971.stm This is the 3rd time in recent weeks that I have read about a sentence of more that 30 years being handed down.I think this is a very...
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Is anybody there????
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which hair colour is sexiest? ive recently come round to the idea blonde is........
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I have just watched a short part of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' on itv. It was bad enough when an 'it assistant' was unsure if Zulus were from the southern hemisphere. But when a school headmaster...
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Today Mohammed Hamid got sentenced to prison for terrorist activies. The BBC have his potted life history on their web site (see below). I wonder how much this piece of scum has cost this country...
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Paul Gascoigne has been sectioned under the mental health act and sent to an institution for retards and losers with no chance of recovery, "Its great to have him back" said Keegan!
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Now I know it's a bit of a Forest Gump but so are lots of other places, any idea why the bin lids keep topping themselves? Some sort of looney cult perhaps??
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187,000 children in london are said to be in poverty. How can this be so in a country whose Benefit system is reputed to be the best in the world? Is poverty not having Nikes, Playstation3, or a...
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anotheoldgit 69540.stm Once again "Johnny Foreigner" snaps his fingers for help, and we come running, regardless of cost to the British tax payer. Should we in this...
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anyway happy new year to everyone.where do all the years go?scary eh?
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Hi,Ihave run out of SC but i have got a bottle of brandy anyone like to swap?
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Is it just me, or is it a huge relief its actually passed, as all new years do? I would say its my age, but ive always felt the say bah humbug :) Although, the excuse for drinking large amounts of...
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anyone got leftovers for tomorrow
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I wish to take this opportunity to wish everyone on Answerbank, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
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What planet is this Government on? One minute we are told there is not enough space to house criminals and now we are to send people to Jail for using a mobile. Meanwhile hoodies burglars and other...
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word of advice: 1)if you want to appear trendy, get Johnny cash's name right on your facebook fave music list, he has an H in his first name. 2)don;t pretend to like Johnny cash unless you can spell...
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I receive incapacity benifit and industrial injuries benifit i also have a large amount in the bank how will this affect my husband who is going to claim job seekers allowance
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so price edward and his wife have had another baby.....another royal mouth for us hard pressed tax payers to feed.banish the lot of them to a desert island and we would save ourselves...

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