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have fully copmrehensive car insurence and have done for almost a year but i was driving my farthers car in huddersfield and got stoped as his insurence had not cleared on the database so its was...
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thanks for removing the user legs dead baby though it did take a phonecall to you and also a post on here. hopefully any other filth like that will be spotted by you and the much hyped and talked...
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I have fully copmrehensive car insurence and have done for almost a year but i was driving my farthers car in huddersfield and got stoped as his insurence had not cleared on the database so its was...
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In A Pickle
I have just seen the movie "Mamma Mia"(my partner is a die hard ABBA Fan!). Well, apart from the excellent ABBA songs(sung quite well by a usually non singing cast) the rest was just unbelievable. I...
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has anyone ever launched a message in a bottle and had a reply ? if so, how long did you wait fot a reply and how far did the bottle travel ? me and my lot launched a tiny bottle in January this year....
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Stamp out bullying and abuse on public internet forums. The Answer Bank has a moral obligation to prevent bullies and aggressive people from rejoining or posting. The sooner something is done to...
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Well are yo u feeling stroppy? moody? grumpy ??? irritable ??? if so can you telll us WHO TWISTED YOUR T1TS YA GRUMPY SOD????
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Can you announce it if/when you do, and make a note of whose post it is please.
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Just back from a work office opening party and soooo knackered and a wee bit tipsy (the ulcer is not impressed haha). Am thinking I should have made the more of the buffet as well as champagne supping...
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what was your favorite game? mine was "paperchase" and then going down to the allotments to pinch some carrots..(sorry if was your patch...)
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aka pixi
been likened to a famous or well known person? the other day my fella said to me 'living with you is like living with Mr Bean sometimes' Should I take that as a compliment? lol
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aka pixi
There has been loads of rain here since friday. Its not just a bit of rain either it has slammed it down sometimes for hours on end. I have my fingers crossed really tightly that folks wont get...
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Happy birthday mamma (((hugs))) 21 again? Have a wonderful day Mwaah
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Is there anything about your partner that really irritates you ?? My hubby gulps loudly when he drinks. He never used to do it or perhaps I'm just intolerant.
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I was in the Post Office today and in front of me was an oldish quite overweight woman who smelt absolutely disgusting! It wasn't just a bit whiffy I mean really rotten stale horrible smell to the...
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I phoned Mrs 4GS's grandparents last night, when her grandad answers the phone he always recites the phone number then says 'hello'. I remember people used to do that years ago but thought the habit...
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could today be the day ? " Lovely isnt it ? "
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besotted and in love with Neil Diamond -the man is a genius !! He is playing Hampden in Glasgow and I have tried and tried and used bribing tactics but no-one will go with me- they are the losers...
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....I know a vast majority hate it BUT Alex was removed from the BB House, allelulia!!!! Thank the Lord, he is good!

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