Just can't seem to finalise the last three ... 2d Bookbinder was a morganatic offspring (4,5) I have H?L? R?Y?? (Half Rhyme??) 16a Vital organ's actual name is concealed (5) I have R?N?? The last...
You mentioned yesterday that harry means anagram. Its in the Daily Mail crossword again today. Is this a new use of the word, or something thats been in use for ages and I've never noticed, or is it...
hi could anybody tell me if there is a sweet or chocolate with the name bribes, it is the only answer I can think of but have never heard of a sweet by this name Thanks
Ha, Sarumite, see what happens - you try and find an ally to fight the sorority of the shrubbery and they conspire to take the entire website off line. What chance do we stand? Discretion is the...
Stuck on three. Any help appreciated. 10a Steeplechaser, one taken aback after spring (4,6) I have JUMP *O**** 5d Not one who beleives in free speech (7) I have *E***E* 7d Necktie card-player may have...
Goodness, another month is flying by - only one more weekend after this before a winner is crowned and quite a cluster there is at the top of the leader board. As always, we're attempting [ !! ] to...
OK! ... I was never a peanuts fan to the defree that is required!!! Therefore what is 4D ? (I have E ? R ? N ) (That depends on ! A being BOUTONNIERE) Many thanks gizengals !