I am amusing myself by baiting a 419er. I have free access to his email account after he unwittingly revealed his password (not the brightest Mugu). I have very little IT knowledge so does anyone have...
I can translate cyrillic Russian to English but am often copied in on messages written using a standard Eng keyboard. How can I translate messages written in this format from Ru to Eng ?
Would it be correct to ask a question in this form, or would it be breaking the rules of ruling regime ? ??? ???????????? ?????? ?????????. ?? ????????????? ????? ?????? ???????? I would prefer...
I am concerned by the recent outbreak of offensive & frivolous answers given on this site by a number of, apparently, new users. I find many of them unamusing, unhelpful and believe that they are to...
This question is prompted by an answer in Animals & Nature suggesting that the collective noun for squirrels is dray or scurry. I have been unable to substantiate this in any authoritative reference...
I thought that the name Jock was a reference to someone from Scotland. I've read that Jock has equivalents in other countries e.g. Jacques (France), Giacobbe (Italy) and Yakow (Russia). My curiosity...
Bonnie Prince Charlie, born in Italy to a Polish mother, apparently spent most of his life in mainland Europe. How long did this Scottish legend actually spend in Scotland ?
I've often seen Answerbankers referring to the fact that when you ask a question a list of related topics is posted before you are asked if you still want to post your question. I have doubts about...
39 years old Terry Wallis has just regained conciousness after 19 years in a coma since a car crash in 1984. He has seen his 19 years old daughter for the first time. A heartwarming story. I presume...
There's some not-too-pleasant airports to fly into around the world. For instance, Gibraltar has a very short runway with sea at both ends of it. Hong Kong always seemed like you were going to hit the...
We are currently seeing a lot of reports about prison conditions. One of the complaints is that prisons are not up to a satisfactory state of cleanliness. We don't have complaints that our ships or...
I have received a notice for excess parking from a local authority because the vehicle concerned is registered to me. The driver of the vehicle on the day of the alleged offence was a friend of mine...
I notice that whenever I've had a session on my PC that I've had a Spylog cookie. What is this; where does it originate and, if I delete it what have I achieved ?
My ITV Digibox has continued to receive about 6 channels but recently has started to suffer from constant interference. I understand that there is now something similar (possibly introduced by the...