It is reported that, because of the cartoons, the authorities in Iran have decreed that henceforth Danish pastries can only be sold there under the name of "Roses of the Prophet Muhammed". Are there...
Are the rules for International Ice Hockey, ie the Olympics different than team hockey, ie NHL. Whilst watching some of the games over here in the USA the commentators alluded to it but did not go...
Is she a product of BBC becoming politically correct? She is a fat, ugly, dykey, pseudo-plumby annoying presenter with no knowledge of anything sportsworthy. Am I alone in this character...
Is the biggest myth (lie) ever told the one about god , jesus, allah, and any other gods that modern day man still believes in, inspite of the fact that it is all just ballony?
Which sports originated in Scotland? I'll start with golf and curling, any others, exclude ones that are only played in Scotland, like tossing the caber(sp?) etc.
I was in Kenya in August and at night it was quite cool really even though roasting during the day, whereas in Nigeria it was hot all the time. Why is this?
This might sound like a silly question but we have a visitor at work next week from Des Moines and I don't want to make a fool of myself by getting it wrong. Thanks.