Will there ever be a programming language that helps a single person to create something complex in less than a week? With complex i mean something like Photoshop or Autodesk Maya. I actually think we...
When it comes to single use plastic or veganism, it's always the consumer that is to blame. "Stop buying straws" OR "stop buying meat"... Imagine Meat packaged in plastic? Oh damn! How can the...
Latest sighting photo hardly proof of UFO existence IMHO. Question: Why can't folk ever take in-focus fully-defined pictures of such objects ? Answer: Because they don't exist....
Shapps is another one who needs to go. And take his liberal views and Smart Motorways with him.
We, the great unwashed, know what rules are applicable to us, but what rules exist for the guidance of AB moderators, & how can we access them please?...
what a vile and nasty thing to do, what is wrong with some people these days.
Sajiv says "release us".
Sage says.... well, read for yourself
whose advice will Boris be following?...
Micheal Gove and wife to divorce , Hancock has done a runner from his wife
Boris has been married three times,If their own wives can't understand them what chance have the public got.?...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-57643697 gawd frankly I'm amazed they are allowed in at all now. They should be confiscated and returned at home time the first time after that they should be...
Are they more damaging to the environment that the petrol/diesel ones? I mean the electricity has to be generated from fossil fuels mainly (in our case anyway) so surely lots of energy is lost in...
I always thought Blair's Campbell was pretty grim, but Boris's Cummings is the absolute pits.