Our nearest neighbour is heading for an interesting couple of weeks : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/17/enda-kenny-announces-resignation-fine-gael-leader Kenny has (by and large) done a...
It's been a while - but it's about time we had a meeting for some beer & fun. I'm going (with at least a couple of other ABers) to the first day of the first ever day/night Test Match in England :...
I'm not sure about this - but I suppose it could be fun ... posibly ...
... if it dumps Corbyn now? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/may/12/jeremy-corbyn-bob-hawke-general-election-landslide Fascinating article - it couldn't actually happen here ... could...
Just how (over?) confident do you have to be to risk saying this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-39861011 It surely has to be a vote loser anywhere except the absolute depths of Tory...
Funny lot, the Finns - distinctly oddball at times. They have even developed their own specific set of emojis ... https://finland.fi/emoji/ I particularly like this one :...
I know that cats (and their owners) are above/beyond the law when it comes to leaving crap in my flower beds - it's annoying/vile but that's the way it is. But ... ... (you saw a 'but' coming, didn't...
Please use this thread - and only this thread - for discussion of the final episode of Line of Duty. There are (at least) three ABers who can't watch live and would have their enjoyment spoilt by...
I got mosquitoed yesterday - whilst the tubes of sting relief and antihistamine cream weren't available (out with someone else in the day pack). It itched like crazy and (although I had promptly taken...
We've had a discussion over breakfast here (late night last night) about the 'gay threat MP resigns' thread running in news http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question1550186.html and I'm of the...
... don't bother, it's useless. The birding party have used the last of the economy sized tin of Raid that John bought two days ago - there are some recriminations about the amount the girls wasted on...
... in other news, "Pope still Catholic", "Bears still defecating in arboreal areas". I used to quite like Which, but recently they do seem to be specialising in research which produces results that...
... but first John must fumigate the gazebo. It's a lovely evening and Janet wants to have it outdoors (dinner that is). Given the state of her legs (see threads ad nauseam) John thinks it must be...
Janet and John and the birders have gone out for tapas - to the #1 rated tapas bar in Tavira. They take advice from the friendly waiter and order a dozen assorted plates from the menu - P is at pains...