... today is something of a 'mirabile die' as my old Latin teacher would have said. I have two sources of income - one pays every four weeks on a Tuesday, the other pays on the 15th of every month -...
... what goes around comes around ... Just wandered out the front to bring in my bins and was accosted by huge scary bloke in hi-viz jacket - "Is it OK if we park here?" - points at transit and...
***Spoiler Alert***
This is the script stolen from HBO with full details of the next episode ... don't open if you don't want to know ...
... and then Planning Authorities. The Forbidden Corner is a lovely jolly place - great fun for people of all ages. The concept that it might be mistaken for "genuine heritage" is bonkers - you'd have...
In case you just can't travel without your daily dose of the brown stuff ... https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2017/jul/31/marmite-amnesty-under-way-at-london-city-airport PS : I am intrigued by item...
Some appliances are effectively indispensable (eg fridges), some are very useful (eg washing machines) ... but a few are just a waste of white metal and space. Tumble Driers - they gobble electrickery...
Seeing NoM posting about both food and her impending happy event prompted some musings ... ... it seems that the propensity (officially the AB word of the day) of celebrities to name their children...
After the bonkers list I posted earlier, I feel that the good burghers of AB must be able to come with some better suggestions. So ... please post two or three fiction and two or three non-fiction...
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/33-books-everyone-should-read-before-turning-30-a6746496.html?cmpid=facebook-post What a weird (and pretentious) list. I consider myself well and...
Two morsels from FaceTwit that made me smile ... "The world is being destroyed by Corporate greed, our NHS is underfunded and being sold off, the economy is in freefall, and we're controlled by...
Very few things make me as angry as cruelty and/or neglect of animals, but the concept that a 'charity' as deeply flawed/useless/prejudiced (choose your own epithet) as the RSPCA should have the power...
I've been asked to get someone a Dubliners Compilation - "cheap but reasonably comprehensive" would seem to be the brief. It's well outside my comfort zone in terms of specialist knowledge - I like...
It's a big day today (so I'm told - not my cup of Pimms personally), and you can bet that the BBC will be playing silly beggars with matches hopping from channel to channel at the whim of a demented...
"What are your Toff Names?" Take the first name of a grandparent, a street in which you grew up and a headteacher from your school. I give you (because I'm not sure I want them) ... Robert...