Hidden Books Game : http://caboodle.nationalbooktokens.com/hiddenbooks/?competition=11#.WgNC5YZpFBw Closing date is not until end of Jan 2018 - so I hope not too many answers will be given just yet?...
[ I know this should be in DiY or suchlike, but I'm interested in personal experience as well as the professional inputs] I have a very well insulated house, with effective GCH, but it's missing a...
Aldi have always done a decent 'free range' bird, but they have really upped their game since I last had a whole chicken from them. Tonight's was exquisite - like chicken from the 'pre factory...
... or, to be more accurate, Perthshire.
Yesterday was t-shirt weather, today is 'big coat and woolly hat' - bright but windy and cold.
What's it like where you are?...
I've been in Scotland for a few days and am really enjoying the "local foods" - Haggis, Scots Pies, Bridies, Tablet, Pint of Heavy, Caboc cheese, Empire Biscuits - it's not that these are unobtainable...
Hmmm - I've now spent two nights with my (freshly laundered) sheets feeling 'not quite dry and a bit clammy'. The first night I did assume that they just weren't as well aired as I had thought -...
The sun at 15:30 today - straight from the iPhone - no processing or tinkering :
Watching a recent Doc Martin last night (is Clunes entirely well, his face is becoming more and more like a 'skull with ears'?) - I noticed that when Doc was approaching a small child with a...
Sadly Jeremy has died - after a lifetime of sexual frustration because his genitalia were on the wrong side of his body. Even worse, he did eventually find a match via the internet, but died shortly...
Bought these today ... https://s1.postimg.org/55pqzvaklr/wp-1480632396078-e1480632540699.jpg ... it can only be days before the Stollen arrives, and then these monsters are due soon too ......
After the (very good) Rowson cartoon, this is a fascinating look at the present/future way we deal with cadavers : https://newhumanist.org.uk/articles/5233/the-business-of-death-in-a-growing-world...
Every day's a school day - even at my advanced age :+( I'm not a golfer, I only watch a little bit on TV - usually by accident rather than design - as happened today when I was looking for something...
Hi Chaps I've got an unvented (Tribune HE) domestic hot water system & my boiler is not firing up to heat the tank when the programmer comes on. I've done some basic fault finding and suspect that...
Amazon seems to have noticed me buying odd bits & pieces for my new bike - it now keeps suggesting I buy some specialist clothing - which is not a bad idea ... ... but I'm really not sure I could walk...