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sunny-dave Redman suggested an AB charabang outing to the B'ham Beerathon. Any takers? If so which day? I'm happy to co-ordinate and will put my throwaway email up if...
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I'm home in one piece, the wine made it too ... ... but I am a bit tired :+)...
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A rather liquid encounter with a Marsala tasting emporium has resulted in me being the proud owner of a couple of litre bottles of (very good) Marsala. I fly back soon from Sicily and (given the...
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Quite apart from the bizarre nature of the story ... please just note the author's name - has our much loved music journalist ABer got a new gig ?? I do...
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Born : Siobhan 'gness' O'Gorblimey - Nicker, Limerick 1957 Father : Dermot O'Logist - travelling ointment salesman Mother : Iona Chemist - pharmacist < Dermot was flogging his unguents around the...
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... because he loves them so much ... http://sd.keepcalm-o-...-sqad-is-a-doctor.png...
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I'll nip round for ten minutes crafty - given our combined ages we can call the little bugger "jesus" d xx...
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How can you tell that this ebay item is being sold by a man ... ... if you work it out PLEASE don't post the answer just yet ... let other people have a go d xx...
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I no longer have an office full of people to bore ... so it's you lot that have to go "ooh that's nice" ... http://s1155.photobuc...bums/p548/sunny-dave/ Warning - contains at least one owl...
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Not a bad (financial) outing to Newton Abbot - 3 'placed' (one from stokey, one from sibbo and one that they both picked) and a random 7/1 winner from dave's patented "that looks fit" method...
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Newton Abbot - tomorrow (monday 10th) I'll be there - any suggestions that might be better than my patented "back the one with the sexiest stable girl" method ...? Cheers dave xx...
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Born : Nigel Lego Nobsworth - Dull, Perthshire 1966 Father : Gordon Bennett - travelling laxative salesman Mother : Sheila Sweels - insurance salewoman < Gordon was passing through (ahem) Tayside...
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We have today received a new batch of documents from our founder Jules de Singe - he can't be with you in person as he is currently claiming political asylum in the Bridlington Embassy of the People's...
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After a glorious day yesterday, walking on Dartmoor in the sunshine, the weather is back on track - rain for my final day ... hello Rugglestone Inn I think - pint of Butcombe and a bagga crisps please...
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With apologies to NoM (and hoping the spam prevention police are having a tea break) Today I have been mainly drinking the excellent Teignworthy Martha's Mild - a sweet, dark, ruby red beer which is...
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I'm away for a day or two - and the cottage doesn't have a shower - only a (smallish) bath - mainly because the ceilings are too low. I hate bl**dy baths - they are just not 'fit for purpose' -...
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Come and see the new attractions ...
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"leakage from my crumpets" ... as seen elsewhere, provoked an idle thought about the basically filthy innuendo possibilities of breakfast language. Lick my sticky jam-spoon anyone ... ? Dip...
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... well what a load of cock ... http://www.happyplace...exual-weather-reports...
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Born : Cholmondley Featherstonehaugh Excelsior Smith - Frinton 1967 Father : K'mtok, the Klingon Ambassador to Earth - teleported from 2379 to 1966 to observe the first broadcast of the Star Trek...

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