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my son is 4yrs and 4 mnth, he has been dry throughout the day with maybe only 3 accidents since he was 2yrs 5 mnth.. however i cannot get him to go through the night i have tried for weeks at a time...
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going on our first camping trip any tips . only 2 nights
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Hope anyone can help. I had a blazing row with my 13 year old last night about her disrespecting me, laziness and damn right mouthy replies to questions I ask her. Her dad and I are divorced but we...
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what name would you choose for a boy out of these? reuben josh thanks
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Can you still buy trio bars
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Can anybody recommend some good cures that they have tried for travel sickness for my 15 year old son please . Would prefer anything that does not make you tired . Thankyou in advance ...
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Our girl is turning 8 soon and I have no idea what to do for her birthday we have had some excellent parties in the past e.g. funky but punky theme (6) and we had a prince and princesses ball (5) and...
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Hey, I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 18. We've been together for two years now. We are both Christians, however we have had sex after a lot of thought and the decision that we felt ready for it. We've been...
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Hi all, I've taken a look at similar posts dating back to Nov and July last year but still looking for the one! My wife is due in 5 weeks and we are really struggling for boys name, we seem to have a...
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I recently looked out my kitchen and saw Sparrowhawk savagely killing a pigeon then eating the entire thing apart from a bloody wing lying in the middle of my lawn. lovely. At least I thought it was a...
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So does anyone know the name of the song with the chorus " So here I am, once again " Thats the only part that sticks with me.. Two guys are singing kind of back and forth in the beginning and then...
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I am 16 and at school. I want a job for when we leave in a few months. I have had 100% attendence for the past 5 years and I am predicted 12 GCSE's A-C. I havent been in trouble at all. However, this...
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my choice
i recently had an accident at work,where i burnt my face with hot oil,and had to seek medical attention from my local hospital.does my employer have to pay me for the full shift ,or just the hours i...
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when i was younger i shaved the hair off underneath my belly button because i thought it was standing out but now it has grown back worse (which is obvious really but it was a spur of the moment...
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My daughter is 15 and has been going out with a guy of 16, for around 8 months. It is a very on and off relationship. It seems to be all his way. He is very secretive/lying (My daughter doesn't know...
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What's the current going rate for a first tooth from the tooth fairy?
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I have recently decided that I want a lip ring. I want to get my right side pierced. Sadly, I am having trouble convincing my mom into letting me get it. One of her biggest issues is the fact that one...
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After my 13 year old son left his phone in the bathroom ( i suspect he wanted me to find it) i admit shamefacedly that i read his texts , there were 5 from a girl who he has met once at a local disco...
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Strictly this isn't parenting but I thought you guys might have the best suggestions. I am 16 year old girl and I'm doing my GCSEs this summer. I've always been a good student, I've worked hard, been...
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<P align=center>I suffer from major depression and I'm 16 years old. I see a pyschiatrist and I am on 20mg of Prozac a day. However yesterday I wanted to end my life... I wrote a suicide letter...

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