Why don't they just shut up? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36338220 Like everything else I don't think Bretix will make much difference to the entertainment industry. Sorry if...
I had to listen to a long diatribe from a couple yesterday, about immigration. They come out with all the usual racist and xenophobic drivel....all these foreigners taking our jobs, changing our way...
Mrs B. here, 2½ - 3 hrs ago Mr B. was adjusting the angle of an outside light on the pointy bit of the eaves, the ladder slipped and he landed badly in the drive. Blue Lighted into hospital with a...
For gawd sake there must be many worthy subjects. Why do we have to have this weirdo stuff all the time?...
1. The mothers are nearly finished 4.7. 2. Sol-fa 6th on the bone 4 3. Hare's "previous" 4. 4. Gaelic peak at home 5. 5. Ill from some chick minced, not cold 6. 6. The month right round for wounding...
If you were an American (or perhaps you are) - who would you vote for in the forthcoming Presidential elections and why? Cards on the table, I would be at a loss myself. I would be loathe to vote for...
/// The Government will seek to tackle the "menace" of extremism with new civil orders which will bar individuals from attending or speaking at public events, protests or meetings. ///...
With increasingly startling warnings, I think the ‘Inners’ are shooting themselves in the foot. I see or hear a headline and that’s as far as I go. I really can’t be bothered to listen to...
8 ac place for a writer to take a dip 6 letters ---p-- 11ac piece of land apparently not unattended 5 letters 16 down concentraded in time 14 down generous in providing a form of braille 7 letters...
help please 12a in perverted lust i grope kate nickleby's young lover?10 ?E?????G?S anagram lust i grope? 18a this writer's mature lines showing literary technique 7 I?A???? imagery? 26a what...