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jade ashly
what is the best dark fake tan
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hi we have a dog next door which barks constantly, morning, afternoon, evenig and early hours, it is in the garden most of the time, any suggestions, and the bark is a horrible one that goes right...
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...................for Viagra to start "working". This is a serious question so please don't take the pi$$. Any of you guys out there ever used it? I'd appreciate your help on this if poss. Thanks.
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I was in my regular pub saturday night. There are three types of people who go in this pub on saturdays - the pool players, the people who go to watch the live bands (always the same faces) and random...
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I'm pre menstrual at the moment and my nipples are very sore. Does anyone have any methods or remedies how to relieve the discomfort a little? Also, what makes the nipples sore during this time, I...
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What do you think of Britney Spears?
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me as in madeline,not hollie . how do you delete accounts?
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holly coffin
you all are right.i have made quite the outburst. i am sorry. ofcourse i do not expect forgiveness but please leave that poor little girl that you are all claiming to be me alone
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i understand that you are angry at holly.this girl seems nerotic. but,i am not holly so please dont be angry with me.
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so what is it that people like to talk about on heer?
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tell me what is going on with this holly person and tell me why everyone thinks i am her?
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what is a good way to convince your parents to let you get a dog after 13 years of asking and them saying no?
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You say you are a fifteen year old virgin. I just can't believe the questions you are asking and the manner in which you are asking them. Do you think of anything else except sex and the way you look?...

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