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Why do people ask such stupid, idiotic, obvious questions?
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Just bought a 2003 model of the above...Excellent condition...Mettalic blue...Have I done the right thing?
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I've got a big birthday coming up in April & my husband wants to buy me a plate. I've been on all the sites but struggling to pick one for my name KATH. All they can come up with is, K400TTH,...
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George Burley has belatedly been given the size 10 boot tonight after an abysmal run of 3 wins in 14 games, failure to at least reach play-offs for the 2010 World Cup, culminating in a 3-0 thrashing...
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What is the situation regarding refunds for a child missing a school day trip? Surely in legal terms the school should be obliged to give a refund and should not be discretionary or by each LEA?...
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Formula 1 just finished. Along with cricket, is this the most boring "sport" ever?
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1987 Littlewoods Cup Final between Arsenal and Liverpool. What record was broken?
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Jamie Carragher broke a 40 year old Liverpool record in November 2008, which record?
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What is the world's biggest NON -tarantula spider in the world.Banana Spider lists for North America - but is it also in the whole world? Or is it the Huntsman?...
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Karen Brady's replacment is rumoured to be longtime friend of the new owner, Wun Fuk All.
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Which player managed to be was top scorer in Div 3/2 and One from 1983-85?
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What (dubious obviously)record does Carlton Palmer hold?
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Is the UK the only country that runs a Motabilty scheme-do any other countries have a similar scheme?
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Which is more dangerous to a person - a bull or a protective cow with a calf?
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What was (paradoxically) a first for Liverpool this season?
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Lets all have a go. What is the most common score in the fa cup final when you have answered, post another question.
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Of the 12 mangers who managed this team this one had the best loss record of them all by losing only 1match(NOT a caretaker manager) BUT statistically he was the 2nd worst manger of that team?
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What post war record does Alan Shearer hold (not to do with goals or scoring)
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It's a slight surprise to me, I always thought his big managerial ambition, apart from Man U, would have been Newcastle. Is he liable to be welcomed by the Mackems? Seems to me a bit like Graeme...
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Burnley are smallest town in Premiership history - but are they also smallest town in top flight ?

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