where is my fav DJ - it's so slow on here today. Am being pressured into gardening - which I hate. Music please - music makers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc2C7hEhEvM
Got a stick of Piccadillys from Dubai - ?8! No mention anywhere on pkt of Health hazard or horror pictures......seems the arabs dont suffer like we do?
This is a worthwhile exhibition. Internation Social Services. Embassies have donations from manufacturers that are sold for childrens welfare globally. In Kensington Town Hall for 3days. See you...
Since when? I understand cyclists need licences to cycle on canal but free to cycle unlicenced anywhere else? Too much money-grabbing red tape! Who collects the licence fees?
Neighbour has developed my land into his commercial enterprise (as car park) without my agreement. Can I make a financial cost for the loss of the land (have proved ownership to them) or must I go to...