I may be on Question Time this week - I need to come up with a question (20-30 words) which is topical (probably about Swine Flu) to ask the panel. Not sure who the politicians will be, but I do know...
What's the technique of keeping your trousers on below your @rse cheeks without them falling down all the way? When I tried to do this the other day for research purposes, I couldn't go more than...
If you get stopped and are asked to produce your license for having no insurance and fail to do this and nothing has been sent to you in 4 mths, do you think DLVA are aware that they are due to be put...
Neighbour has developed my land into his commercial enterprise (as car park) without my agreement. Can I make a financial cost for the loss of the land (have proved ownership to them) or must I go to...
I had Bryan Ferry's greatest hits on my MP4 player wayyyyy before Ashes to Ashes decided to feature him lol Infact I had him on there when I was in Turkey and that was the year before last.
Yes, I know, she's all over the news. But she was on tv in 1995 and that oik Barrymore thought she was a joke http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/art...
for chuck hi chuck,stomp sent me over to you,he says you might be able to help me.Im having a prob watching utube vids.for about the last 6 weeks they keep pausing with a dotted circle going round the...
Hello, can I just ask... Do you really use words like "beastly", "jolly" and "poopy" in your normal everyday conversations? I have to be honest...
I've just had a short course of Furosemide for pre menstrual fluid retention (20mg) and have suddenly started getting tinnitus which is affecting the hearing in my left ear only. I've googled this and...
I was wondering how to do your eye make-up like this girls: http://i40.tinypic.com/4jp0ms.jpg I have tried heavy mascara but I can't get the same effect. If anyone knows could they please give me...
do you think if i phoned work tommorow and said i had swine flu they will let me have the day off?? what ailments have you invented to pull a Sickie ??