Im 8 weeks pregnant and my full time job is office work but I also have a part time job working behind a bar. I dont change barrels etc but lift trays of glasses in & out of the glass washer and...
Which is good but I am not 100% sure if job will be right for me and I will have to pull a sickie as only arranged time for interview today and this Friday is the only available slot left. I can't ask...
Our grandson spends time at our house so I'm looking for a sensible routine for worming the cat. The baby is not crawling yet, I imagine it will be more important then. The RSPCA site doesn't give a...
Those of you who still think, against all the evidence, that there is a link between the MMR jab and autism should read the double-page spread in the Sunday Times today about that doctor's devious...
All have a big group hug now that legend has gone and we all feel safe in our beds. I cannot do the group hug thing that you do on here, as I have only been on here a few months, so can you show me...
I have a 3 year old GSD and she is very lazy! When ever we go for a walk my other dog runs round exploring but my GDS will just walk next to me and doesnt like running around. When we are at home she...
To all those offering me support in the last few days, dispite my happier notes of earlier this evening, my nan passed away an hour ago. My Granddad just phoned me to let me know, he was barely able...
I realize that this is probably history; but, is it just a myth that legend has disappeared? We should look into his genealogy and inform his next of kin.......doncha think?
I could have done with help clearing my driveway and paths of snow recently and realised young people no longer clean cars, clear snow, mow lawns or do other 'odd jobs' for a small payment. Why is...
The patio at my home address gets flooded any time there is torrential rain (as at present!) which flows down and onto it from an adjoining field. Can the owner(s) of the field be held responsible for...