hello please could someone tell me how much avon brochures are i have looked on th net without success, i would like to know what they start at for 5 up to 40 i know it is cheaper the more you buy....
does anyone know the song from this advert i think it was also in a mobile phone advert, some thing like i'll stop the world and dance with you...thankyou
a womans husband dies just before christmas...she has no money to buy her son presents then a man comes and watches over her he is an angel ( scruffy one) sits in a tree any way it all turns out ok...
I am getting completely pi55ed off with continual banning of posts. Even one about taking piccies on kids sportsday. Anyone else feel the same ( Just to make it a QUESTION) Not banned yet, c'mon ED...
along while ago we started to use the bt answer phone which they connect..to retrive a call you dial a number but i cannot remember the number and someone has left a message any ideas thankyou .......
a man and his young son were walking along a quite street when a car ploughed into them killing the man instantly, the boy was rushed to hospital and prepared for surgery to save his life. the surgeon...
any ideas on how to remove blue wkd (bottled drink) from an almost white carpet i have tried vanish an a carpet machine but it did nothing. look forward to hearing your ideas thankyou.
my friend was telling me of a funny email going around i wondered if any one knew it some of the words are on welfare we get wealthy on the NHS we get healthy would love to know the rest thanks