Does it mean that any male in the USA can give a child alcohol and share a bed with that child without fear of charges? Now that Michael Jackson has bean cleared of all charges.
What if the heir to the thrown had a very big head and the crown was too small it would look a bit daft what would they do make another one? Or is it very large and they stuff it with newspaper so it...
We are going to stay at a friend's house in Park stone near Poole this weekend. Our friends only moved there a short time ago so they have not had the time to explore the local pubs as they have...
I'm looking after my mums dog he's 105 and I'm trying to teach him to fetch a ball but all he want's to do is lie down and go to sleep.Can you teach old dogs new trick's has anyone?
Do you feel it's not worth carry on any more, what is the point everything has changed as you have grown older and you find the world around you is no longer the world you grew up with, is there...