Hi, could somebody please tell me the meaning or 'moral' behind the parable of Jesus turning water into wine. Also why did he choose to teach in this way? Thank you
Does anyone know what a Pickerninny is - my mum used to sing me a lullaby about a little Pickerninny going off to sleep, but I've never really known what one was and she doesn't know either. A friend...
religious official whose duty was to interpret natural signs in order to foretell whether the gods were pleased or displeased by a proposed course of action?
Can an English sports team simply adopt an alternative to God Save The Queen (i.e Jerusalem) or is there some historical piece of legislation which would need changing first?
what is the five letter word of a religious official in ancient rome whose job it was to interpret the natural signs in order to foretell if the gods where pleased or displeased by a proposed course...
does anyone know when and how saint cecilia was made a saint? how long did it take... which pope.. etc?? i know her biography up until she died.. but not the process involved in making her a saint.
Hi, This sounds silly I know, but my partners mother, although a 'nice' person (does Charity shop work, home cooking, spend thrift, church warden etc) makes me feel like an ungrateful madam. She looks...
I was watching BBC2 last night when Stephen Fry was tracing his family tree. The programme got my husband thinking! When did people first start using surnames? Also, how do surnames originate. Any...